Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Hair Straightening Health Hazards Urge Women to Make Empowering & Safer Styling Choices

Hair Straightening Health Hazards Urge Women

Most style-conscious women would want to flaunt silky, shiny, straight hair. Those with naturally straight hair don’t have to do much beyond basic blow-drying. However, women with curly or frizzy hair might seek additional help. One popular styling method is chemical hair straightening, which breaks curls and frizz, leaving hair smooth. The treatment can last up to a year, depending on how fast a woman’s hair grows. 

However, what may seem like an easy hair-styling solution can pose long-term health risks. The increasing number of chemical hair straightener lawsuits has shed light on various diseases linked to this treatment. Some of the health concerns include cancer and hormone disruption. 

In 2022, a study by the NIH (National Institutes of Health) found a link between chemical hair straighteners and uterine cancer. The risk is doubled for women who get their hair straightened over four times annually. Additionally, Drugwatch reports that nearly 8,489 hair relaxer lawsuits are pending in MDL as of September 2024. 

These cases are raising awareness among women about the dangers of chemical hair straighteners. This information helps women make safer choices regarding hair styling options. If you want to learn more, keep reading this article. 

The Link Between Hair Straighteners and Health Risks

Today, chemical treatments like keratin and relaxers are under legal scrutiny for potential health hazards. These products commonly contain chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and metals. The most dangerous of these is formaldehyde, which is recognized as a human carcinogen. 

In April 2024, an article in Live Science linked formaldehyde to nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia. Long-term exposure may increase the risk of women developing these cancers. Additionally, formaldehyde can cause respiratory problems and aggravate asthma in adults. It can also lead to miscarriage and fertility issues. 

Considering its negatives, formaldehyde has been banned from hair-straightening products in Canada, Brazil, and the European Union. However, women in the U.S. still frequently use products containing it. The New York State Department of Health reported that over 150 U.S. chemical hair straightening products currently on the market contain formaldehyde. 

Black women make up the largest share of consumers using these products compared to other racial groups. An October 2023 article in ‘The New York Times’ affirmed this. It stated that Black women are more vulnerable to ovarian, breast, and uterine cancer after opting for chemical hair straightening. However, women of other ethnicities can also suffer from the same predicament. 

For instance, in October 2022, Jenny Mitchell was one of the first women to file a chemical hair straightener lawsuit. She alleged that she developed uterine cancer because of exposure to phthalates and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair styling products. Following Mitchell’s case, many other women filed lawsuits against various hair straightener manufacturers. 

Empowerment Through Informed Hairstyling Choices

Now that you are aware of the dangers of chemical hair relaxers, it’s important to make careful and safe choices. For instance, The New York Times article offered a smart suggestion: always check the list of ingredients in any hair treatment product. Be on the lookout for formalin, methylene glycol, and formaldehyde. Also, find out ways to reduce the exposure, like better ventilation. 

As women become more aware of the risks of formaldehyde and other chemicals, they can make more informed choices about their products. This has led to an increasing demand for non-toxic beauty products that don’t pose any long-term health risks. 

Additionally, women can also explore natural and herbal hair care and styling methods to add shine and life to their tresses. For instance, a hot oil massage followed by hair steaming can soften the hair and nourish the scalp. You can even spray milk on your hair before washing it to help relax curls. Prolonged use may deliver the best results. 

Once you take complete control of your hair care and maintenance regime, you will be more likely to use safe styling products. Moreover, if any product proves harmful, you can share about it in social media and advocacy groups to spread awareness. 

When Should You Take Legal Action?

Have you experienced hormonal fluctuations, respiratory issues, and cancer after using chemical hair straighteners? According to TorHoerman Law, if so, you may be eligible to file a legal complaint. It is important to consult a lawyer once you have gathered key evidence of misleading practices and negligence by manufacturers. 

Taking legal action will hold the manufacturers accountable and urge them to compensate for your losses. This can cover the medical expenses and other pain and suffering you’ve endured. Your lawyer will also update you on the settlement payout, which can vary depending on your case. According to a Forbes article from May 2024, settlements can range between $120,000 and $150,000 or even higher.  


How much can chemical treatments aggravate your hair health?

Studies suggest that chemical hair straighteners may raise the risk of developing uterine cancer, fibroids, breast cancer, and endometriosis. Daily use of these products can cause side effects such as increased frizz, hair weakening,  scalp inflammation, and discoloration. 

Which chemical gets used for straightening hair?

The relaxers, which straighten hair using ammonium thioglycolate (ATG), are also employed in permanent waving. However, hydroxide relaxers and thio relaxers are not interchangeable. Making use of these chemicals may lead to significant hair damage and potential hair loss.

How can you avert the hassles of hair straightening?

You need to set the heating tool to low or medium temperature to prevent damage. Regularly oil your hair and use conditioner with each wash to maintain its natural oils. Incorporate natural masks and essential oils into your routine. Avoid using straighteners on wet hair to reduce the risk of damage.

Over the years, women have feared that hair straightening might make them more vulnerable to cancer. Therefore, there is a need for safer styling products. The chemical hair straightening lawsuits across the globe have opened up a space for healthier alternatives. Moreover, these legal actions help raise awareness among women about the dangers of these chemicals and take better care of their well-being.

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